My Faves: Flowers

Preserved Rose.jpgWho doesn’t like a bit of flora? One of the first things I starting photographing was random still life items around the house and flowers. For obvious reasons, it’s the easiest thing to access around the house and neighbourhood. So! Here are some of my favourite floral shots throughout the years!


“Lavendre”- July 2017
I am desperately trying to recreate this shot! Get me to the fields! I love the colours and the vibrancy of this shot so much- it’s beautiful! Lavender is one of my favourite flowers!


Violet.jpg“Violet”- July 2018
Allow me to gush for a moment! I am really proud of this shot! I love how off centred it is and just how perfectly focused the cluster of flowers are. I love it so much, I’m considering printing this for my office space!




With This Ring

“With This Ring”- April 2017
Ok, so I’ve cheated- this isn’t a shot only of a flower, but really of wedding rings, but they’re sitting IN a flower, so that work, right? I have featured this shot in a previous blog post, but it means so much to me, especially the sentiment behind it. It is not just any ring, it is the ring of my bestie and her hubby. I was privileged to be able to not only witness their wedding, but also take their wedding photos. I was so caught up in the emotion of it all that I nearly didn’t get a shot of the ring. So we looked for the best lit area in the halls of the Palais De Congrais and I snapped away at this shot, and funnily enough I knew I had the shot when I took it. It’s funny how that works, because normally I’m not very confident when taking my pics, I’m constantly judging and being critical. But I had a winner!💍


Cherry Blossom“Cherry Blossom”- May 2017
There isn’t a tree or flower out there that gives me all the feels like a cherry blossom! It’s honestly so so beautiful! So much so that visiting Japan during cherry blossom season is on my bucket list and I aim to meet that target within 5 years! Keep your eyes peeled!


Flowers- 150 likes




“Flowers”- May 2016
Still trying to ID this flower, because it’s just so beautiful! I can’t remember where I was when I took this shot, but it still resonates with me!





I actually kind of struggled to choose the shots for this blog post, because I love flowers so much and I had so much to choose from, but also because of the memories that came flooding back when I was picking them!

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